Good god, I haven't laid eyes on
this website in nearly two years!
Why have I been so busy?
Getting certified to
teach in five new
subject areas
I'm almost through
a Psychology program
at San Francisco State
(eight months from certification)
After 19 years in Oakland,
I moved to Concord, due to...
... A very happy,
still-somewhat -new
relationship with Erich
Erich, 2005 |

Together since 6/21/2005 |
If you don't get it, you're at the wrong website |
| on The Chimp to go someplace more appropriate |
GEORGE W. BUSH isn't always wrong.
He said that if Gore won the election, we'd
have war, scandal and a lousy economy.
Sure enough,
Gore won...
and that's exactly what we've got.

Just give Boy George a good click right in the bruise! You'll like where it takes you! |

to still another damn website cluttering up
the vast virtual strip mall of cyberspace
Everybody's got a webpage. This is mine.
... most of my friends call
me MAX
Okay, I stole the name of my website from
Minton's Playhouse,
the coolest, hottest jazz club
in jazz-age Harlem, the place where Charlie Parker
invented be-bop.
I wasn't there, but I figure if PeeWee
can have
a playhouse, I can have a playhouse...
Max is a stolen name, too --
I picked it up from Max Prince,
a character I once
played on stage. friends who saw the show said
"You aren't playing Max, you ARE Max!" and the
name stuck.
I could have been called worse -- I've
also played
Oscar, Henry, Mel, Felix, Fagin and
Daddy Warbucks. So
let's just call me MAX...

Thelonious Monk and the boyz |

Snap Shot:
- born October, 17, 1953 in KC, MO
- grew up in Blackwell, Oklahoma 1960 - 1973
- graduated University of Oklahoma, 1975
- married, divorced 1975 -1989
- taught drama, English and gifted education in Kansas and New
Mexico 1975 - 1986
- moved to San Francisco Bay Area in 1986
- live in Oakland, CA, 15 minutes from downtown San Francisco
(moved to Concord in 2006)
- taught high school drama in an Oakland southside suburb
(changed to Independent Study in 2004)
- came out publically and established California's first
schoolwide gay/straight alliance in 1996
- have done about 60 stage productions as director, actor or
- two biological daughters, Clarissa and Sophia, both born in
summer of 2000
- Summer of 2003, first son -- Diego -- born
- January, 2004, finally made good my escape from SLHS. Began teaching Independent Study at Lighthouse ISC. LOVE
- May 5, 2004, twins! That's it -- no more babies! I'm starting to feel like a Mormon. (plese keep in mind, though,
that all the babies live with their moms. )
- Met Erich through a Democratic political website, and we've been together since
June, 2005

6/13/2003 |
a word on
My life is filled with people who
live their lives
outside the mainstream of white male privilege.
It's a complex issue. My closest friends are a
Black straight man, a gay Filipino, a white Lesbian,
a Black Latino, a Chinese FTM transexual, a gay
Black man, a straight male Jew,
and a straight white woman.
Who's missing?
Dang, Erich's the
token white guy in my life.
For more on issues of diversity, racism and
white privilege, check out my other website:
You talkin' to me?
I love e-mail
send MAX e-mail
semi-recent photo of Max |
September, 2002 |
Sorry -- the news update page was discontinued about a hundred years ago, but you can
click on it to see what used to be news. I don't know why you would want to, but you can if you wish.
What's NEWS ?
Key words in Max's life:
teacher Oakland Melungeon
writer director jazz books gay
Sondheim movies dogs
theater Blackwell San Francisco
Picnic Bear kids psychology
Kansas actor San
Leandro freethought
activist counselor
OU tattoo gifted
racism homophobia
high school
justice enneagram love
I have not updated this
website in centuries
(how's that Dean campaign going?)
but will be working on it
in the weeks to come

CLICK on me |
Click on The Ralphing Man to read about
what's going on in our fucked up world. You can't find out from Diane Sawyer.

"Hey, Monkey-Boy
what webpage drives
you totally ape shit?"
click on Monkey Boy
to find out
The TRUTH will set us ALL free! |
Talk about a
Herculean task!
Imagine tallying the lies
of the Bush Administration!
Click on the photo above
for a good attempt!