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Baby Talk

       BABY TALK



 LEFT  Me & Myron                         RIGHT Me with
 with  SOPHIA                                   CLARISSA
 November 2000                                 September 2000
      Sophia lives with her mothers in San Francisco.
      Clarissa lives with her mother and Grandmother
      in Los Angeles. Sophia looks like my father's
      side of the family, the Melungeons, and VERY
      much like her mother who is African American/
      Creole -- a similar multi-racial group. Clarissa
      looks like the Irish side -- like me and my mother.
      Clarissa is ten weeks older than Sophia.  And,
      yes, duh, both are my biological daughters.


This is my favorite picture
of Clarissa, taken in a park
in Alhambra when she was
six months old. I don't see
Clarissa as often as I would
like due to problems with her

Here's Sophia on her 
second birthday, looking 
as happy and beautiful 
and well-loved as she is.


On June 13, 2003, my first son,
Diego, was born. He is a quarter
Mohawk, a quarter TexMex and
half whatever-the-hell I am.
What an incredible heritage,
and how very lucky I have been!
His moms are a wonderful couple
who live much too far away...
[below, first halloween]

Max and Sophia


On Cinco de Mayo, 2004,
twin girls were born in
Pennsylvania --  the last
children who will carry my
somewhat complex genes.
The clinic with which I have
done my daddying has a
limit of four kids, but the
twins slipped in an extra.