Minton's Playhouse
All about Me: TODAY
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Terry Minton - 2006
Today it's not all about me.
It's about a world being threatened by
the war-mongering of the Theocratic Cowboy
who is illegally occupying the Oval Office.


MOST recent photo of Max
July 2003

As I write this on the first day of 2005,
I'm doing well. I love my job,  I've
achieved a certain level of contentment
with myself and with my life, and with my
openness to what fate brings me.
As of October, 2007, all that (and more)
holds true. I'm in a very good relationship
with a most unlikely guy. Erich's a math
professor with a PhD. in physics from
U.C.Berkeley. He's a *cough* few *cough*
years younger than I and grew up
Republican in a California suburb.


 Age twenty,
 at a park in
 in 1973, the
 last summer
 I lived there.
 Read more
 on my Back
 to Blackwell

As a politically conscious
citizen, I'm concerned and
angry about the fact that the
White House is being illegally
occupied by a half-witted
theocrat and his criminal
cohorts. Looking forward
to his inevitable downfall.
CLICK on the "WORRY" button if you're worried, too.
And these are times of great moral crisis.
This is my philosophy, and it demands of
me more moral courage than I often want
to experience. But I have learned that
personal comfort is no moral compass.
My classroom at San Leandro High
School, where I have taught Drama,
English, and a new-comer center for
students recently arrived in this country.
In the background is the set of  "Crimes
of the Heart," one of the best shows I've
ever directed. I left the high school in '04.
And I continue to live my life as    
an out and proud gay man. That    
includes standing up for social    
and justice issues, and keeping    
it real at my school and in my    
community. Sometimes I feel    
I'm not the activist I once was;  
maybe I need to start kicking   
a little ass around here...


After 20+ years of urban life,
I moved out to the suburbs --
now I'm in Concord, a half hour
from San Francisco